Tuesday, August 6, 2013

New route today!

Today I had my second run and it went wonderfully.  Monday was my rest day and I felt pretty antsy most of the day, but enjoyed catching salamanders and keeping two new pets: Captain Jack Sparrow (he's missing an eye) and another yet to be named by Mike.  I also had dinner with Becca and Angela.  We made homemade chicken/veggie curry for the first time and seemed to turn out great with lots of leftovers! Had a fight with a bottle of Moscato, but we managed to get the best of it :)

Today was my second run, 4 miles once again.  After making some egg whites with a slice of turkey, and wheat toast for Mike and I, I decided to try a new route to spice things up a bit.  I ran around the pond behind my house for ~1 mile and saw so many salamanders squished or crawling for their life that it broke my heart so I thought I'd tack on my 5K route on the bike route.  I thought I was being super sluggish, but I actually ran my fastest average min/mile yet!

I've been working on my research project the rest of the day and am going to my first Meetup with Becca tonight. Trying my hand at trivia at Pedro's and if that doesn't work, it's half price margarita night :)

Looking forward to my 5 mile run tomorrow after doing mini disc infiltrometer measurements for work.  Hoping it will be a beautiful day for field work as well as a good run.

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