Long time no see! I have been looking at my last postings, and I realized I have not posted since the beginning of my final year in college. A LOT has changed since then, but one thing apparently hasn't... my will to run and tell the world-wide-web about it.
I did indeed graduate from UW-Madison with my geological/geophysics & geoscience degree in May 2014 AND found myself a big girl job. After hours upon hours of resume sending and mostly digital rejection, I got a position as an environmental scientist with Ayres Associates in Madison, WI. I am lucky enough to work with engineers and geologists and it's pretty neat using my 6 years of knowledge I've acquired. I have a wonderful new boyfriend that I adore and am currently looking at apartments closer to work that I can afford with all the college debt I now owe.
Anyway, now that I'm in the grown up world, it will be a different experience training for ANOTHER half marathon in October :) My first half marathon went splendid if I do say so myself. I did acquire the good ol' runners toe on my left foot which I am STILL covering with nail polish for the summer flip-flop months. The half marathon was challenging, but it was rewarding and it didn't scare me away! I ran the whole way (even up the hills) and got a time of 2:36:45 which is an 11:58 minute mile on average. My boyfriend at the time got a sweet action shot of me finishing up the race and I still have a smile on my face!
Tyranena Half Barrel Run: Nov. 2nd, 2013
My plan the second time around is to improve my time a bit since I've dropped a few pounds and inches since then and have more free time now that I'm not studying every waking second. Ayres Associates is participating in a run in Eau Claire, WI October 19th and I've been upping the mileage on my runs for the past few weeks now. The original plan after Tyranena was to do the Madison Marathon in November, but with the new demands in my life, such as a new career, that got pushed to the back burner for now.
This training may prove to be a bit more difficult than last time since I did start smoking for a few months before graduation up until recently. It wasn't until I was running 3 miles on the treadmill a couple weeks ago and feeling AWFUL that I thought "why the HELL am I still doing this to myself again?! I ran 13 of these babies a few months ago with no major problems!" So from then on, I quit and I'm upping my goals.
This time around, I look forward to posting more frequently, posting pictures of my newer diet (but that's not to say that I don't eat fast food sometimes with my naturally high-metabolized boyfriend), posting my physical results if any, and my goals/accomplishments as I go through this process once again.
I guess I decided to start this blog again to not only document my progress for my self benefit, but that I may also inspire someone to look at their own life and decide to make some changes too. I'm just an average 20-something that likes to party and have a social life, but also aspires to kick butt in her new dream job and stay healthy in the process. I have seen many of my old college/high school friends struggle with their fitness as they move on to this new chapter in their life, and I just hope those people realize that they can do what I'm doing or find their own way of adapting.
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